Monday, January 17, 2011


A waxen moon wrote to his mom,
And in the letter he said,
"Mum, I'm cold and naked all night long,
Please sew me a coat instead.
That sun goes out only in the day,
When the sky is deserted and warm.
Personally, I am almost sure he is gay,
For no star is ever near him despite his sunny charm.

Look at me I've grown so white,
For all the stars to see,
And I have to go out in the night,
With no clothes on, poor me.
On new moon night I have a day off,
Should I come down to you?
Any style you choose I swear I won't scoff,
Just sew me a coat or two.

His mom's reply was short and kind,
She pointed out a problem
That had not crossed his mind.
"Dear son", she wrote, "I would love to get you a dress,
But sorry, I am not that good a seamstress,
One day you are slim the other you're round,
How is a proper measurement to be found?
I do not know if you are fat or thin,
Your shape changes with your every whim,
So before you ask me for a coat,
You eat a lot or hit the gym.

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