Wednesday, March 9, 2011


This post was written on 4th March after a long chat with spectacularly sad friends with an acute desire to be anywhere near them. 

Okay, so life sucks, and everyone you are related to by the virtue of that very qualification is utterly useless when you need real support or intelligent conversation. The saving grace of this insufferably flawed system- friends (some would argue for the utility of siblings but for lack of experience in that area I shall not consider those objections.)

I know, I know, If I were smart I would make full use of this observation by making a huge number of friends. But there lies the catch- it takes work, a LOT of work. As if life didn't have enough conundrums, you are talking about trying for an understanding of another person so complete that you just know it when he/she is down and also the right thing to say or do. Then there is the whole in-it-once-and-for-all funda, you just can't live happily when if your friend id in trouble. I mean, who would be masochistic enough to spend perfectly nice nights tossing and turning by their own volition? The real sucker is once you sign up for it you actually take it, want it, with all the baggage, willingly. Sachchi. It also gives you all sorts of new personality traits. I am a pacifist by nature, pakka promise, but dare you mess with my friend in front of me.

Now you would say smarter thing to do would be to not put in all that effort and just find someone really selfless (Surprising as it sounds, it is possible.) Well it is stupid of you to think that I haven't thought about the lazy way out, the truth is it doesn't work that way. You can have access to the best friend material in the world and it still wouldn't be of any use if you are not willing to care. It just feels too criminally selfish to open up to them and add them to your little list of friends.

So naturally my own list of friends is pitiably short compared to the huge list of people I talk and am nice to. But hey, despite all barriers to entry and my attempts at keeping people out, it exists! And damn it, the ones I am really grateful to to the universe for manage to get in one way or the other.

And then whenever life does suck, it doesn't seem to matter that much because someone knows all about it and still takes your side. It is the perfect antidote to being nothing more than the happy, chirpy entertainer for the rest of the world. 

1 comment:

  1. And from this moment i pass on the responsibility of making 'pakka promise' a thing in Pune
